Friday, February 27, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 5&6

End of week 6 already? Wow time really flew by! These past two weeks have been eye opening for me, there have been a lot of great share and voices, and I feel like I learned a lot.

During week 5 we watched a documentary called "Diet For a New America" with John Robbins. It was about the meat industry and it was really interesting. If you click on the link above it will bring you to come clips of the film. I missed the last half of it because I was gone sick but I wish I could have seen the rest. I was sick for about a week and I fell behind in all of my classes. I didn't have any Internet access for a couple days which made me go crazy. Who knew that by the fifth week of class all I could think about was logging into Blogger and checking out what was going on.

During week 6 we watched another documentary called "The Future of Food." I found myself shaking my head throughout the whole film. The sad stories of the farmers and the lawsuits that were brought against them my Monsanto were insane! I couldn't believe some of the stories that were being told. The thing that made me most upset was that these big companies have so much power and so much money they can do almost anything they want. I don't think that's how it should be and I disagree with their views but it seems almost impossible to stop them, which is very unfortunate. These people of power need to have compassion and a genuine desire to help people instead of just trying to make money.

Overall these past two weeks have made me realize more of the problems that we have going on right now. It is heart breaking and not fair but it give me and I'm sure many others more of a reason to try and make a difference. Hope the last two weeks went well for all of you too!


  1. Great post! I also feel like these last two weeks have just flown by. I am sorry to hear that you were sick, and I am very glad that you are doing such a great job catching up on all of your missed assignments. I actually missed the first day of the film, and I was able to watch what I missed on youtube, so you should totally check out the ending. It was great. I found both of the documentaries that we watched these last two weeks fascinating, and they really made me think more about the foods I am putting into my body, and how they in turn will affect the environment. Scary! Also the thought that we have no idea what foods have been made from genetically motified crops really scares me. I really had no idea that genetic modification had gotten that out of control.

  2. The last two weeks went well for me; it was more challenge than the others, considering that it was about a topic that I face everyday and love as well. It was a challenge for me because I don't think my eating habits good. I also learned a lot about controversies in food distribution I didn't know before and was amazed by all the new discovery.
    Good job on your post!

  3. I agree with you Shannon, the past 2 weeks and films have been hard to watche, personally. I feel they are very powerful in a good way though. I just wish more of the public could see what we get to see and make changes also. I am sorry to hear you were so sick! I hope your feeling better :)

  4. Thats a pretty cool picture. I think these two weeks went well. I love watching documentary films of all sorts. I think watching films help people change their views on certain topics because its easier to see the problem on all sides threw a film. That's if its a well directed film anyway.
