Thursday, March 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

For my product I choose my contact lens cleaner. Opti Free Express Lasting Comfort No Rub, Multi Purpose Disinfecting Solution. It scored a 2 which i thought was pretty good but when I started reading on I realized even though it is only a 2 its still harmful. The ingredients in my product are linked to Cancer and Developmental/reproductive toxicity. What? Why didn't I know this? Also the company who makes this product did not sign the compact for safe cosmetics which would mean that the ingredients they use in their products are not harmful or carry any health risks to consumers. Skin Deep's website also had a ? next to the "conducts testing on animals" I am shocked that companies may still test their products on animals...that is HORRIBLE! Another thing I noticed was the website said that 62% of contact lens cleaners have lower health concerns. Finally some good news! I found a better solution called Pure Eyes that scored a 0 and has no health concerns and its cheaper than what I was paying for my old solution!! I am definitely buying Pure Eyes from now on! This was a shocking eye opener for me, I am going to check out some other products I use and see if there are some better alternatives!


  1. Holy smokes that's not good. I use this product to! That's not very comforting to know that the product I need to use is linked to causing cancer. Thanks for the alternative solution. I'm going to check that one out and just in time because I ran out of solution last night. Good work Shannon!

  2. WOW! Good your switching over to Pure Eyes instead. Its not fair that these companies don't imform us of all the risks in their products. It might affect the buying market, but it's still good to know.At least it would make people feel like those companies actually care. And animal testing is definitely a devastating topic.
    Good job on your! Keep it up!

  3. Wow that is crazy! I agree that it is so hard to think that companies still do testing on animals with their products, that was the same information I found for my product as well and it shocked me to hear that. Thats great you found another eye solution that is not only lower score, but is cheaper too!! Yay!

  4. Great Job! You are really amazing...your product really wasn't that bad, and you are still going to stop using it, and use something more environmentally friendly. Talk about a commitment to our Earth!!!! I was also shocked by my results. I didn't know that cosmetics were still being tested on animals. This is so horrible. Keep up the great work!!!
