Friday, February 13, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

Hello again! These last two weeks have gone a lot smoother than the first two. I think I pretty much got the hand of this whole blogging thing! In the past two weeks I have learned a lot of new things. I have posted a share and voice, an eye opener, and became more familiar with Google Reader.

The last three class periods we watched Al Gore's documentry An Inconvienent Truth which I found very informational. The film was about global warming and it explained that the world is in our hands and what were doing to it is going to have devistating effects very soon. I didn't realize how much I didn't know about this issue and what was going on with our government and our environment. Some of the pictures and stories he had were shocking.
I also had the chance to take an ecological footprint quiz to see how my lifestyle affects our environment. This definately open my eyes to the way I live and the things I need to change. Since taking the quiz I am proud to say that I have bought energy efficent light bulbs and switched out the old ones all through my house. I know this is a small step but I am taking it one step at a time and every little bit helps! We have also had readings from our textbook that people have written responses to which is cool beacuse I got to read about what the readings meant to them.

I think everyone in class is really getting good at going green with blogger and no paper assingments. I am looking forward to what Dr. V has in store for us in the next couple weeks. I am curious to see what else we'll learn!


  1. Good post! What an amazing picture! It makes me imagine that we all have the earth to our hands and mutually help it become a better environment. I finally got the hang of blogging, and it's nice see everyone interacting well with it so well. I am just starting to realize how much global has a lot to do with our government.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Great job Shannon! I think that it is great that you are feeling more comfortable blogging. I also am doing much better. I have finally started using google reader, so that is a big step up for me. Also I am so happy to hear that you are already taking steps to change your ecological footprint. It is so wonderful that you purchased energy efficient light bulbs! Way to go!!!! I am going to cut back on my beef intake, so hopefully that will help mine. Good luck with your other changes!

  3. Great post Shannon :) I am so happy to hear that you have made some changes already! Thats so encouraging! I am beginning to make small changes as well, so hopefully itll do some good :) I really like your picture too, very beautiful.

  4. Nice Work Shannon. It seems like you've got this blogging thing down. Your blogs looking pretty professional. I'm glad to see many people are starting to make those small changes in helping out the environment like buying energy efficient light bulbs. It's all going to start to add up.
