Thursday, May 7, 2009

Share and Voice: National Atlas

Hello everyone...

I had to an assignment for one of my other classes on the National Atlas website and I found it really cool that you could make your own map and depending on what interests you there are all different things you could map. You can map the whole country or just an individual state things like, crime rate, mortality rates, cancer rates, climate changes, water concerns, transportation, population, and many more. The website is when you get to the home page all you have to do is click on the yellow "map maker" icon in the upper left hand corner and start making a map! Enjoy!
**The picture above is showing where the most hazardous wastes are handled**

1 comment:

  1. Wow...this is really interesting. I had no idea that there were websites out there like this. I am definately going to check it out. Great find!
