Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

TO: U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

FROM: Shannon

21Green Falls Road Leaf Town, MN 71111

April 28, 2009
Dear Senator Klobuchar,

I am writing to you to inform you of a serious issue that is happening in our country and I believe you have the voice to make change. Health complications due to weight are increasing in the people of Minnesota and around the U.S. I believe that once the blame is taken away from the companies and manufactures who produce the unhealthy foods, and put on the consumers who choose to not eat healthy, we can make a large step towards a healthier country. The Commonsense Consumption Act of 2009, H.R. 812 proposes that there be a law stating that no legal action may be brought against a food manufacturing companies due to injury someone encountered while being overweight. Many people believe this is a serious issue and I would like you to consider being on our side.
Being able to sue due to injury caused by being overweight is sending the wrong message to our youth. Children need to see adults making healthy choices and taking responsibility for their choices whether healthy or not. While it is unfortunate that people get hurt due to their weight it is not the manufactures fault. Because these people were not forced to eat unhealthy or forced not to exercise they should not be allowed to blame anyone but themselves for the injury. The focus needs to be put education and promotion of healthy living. As a health educator I believe that if I, along with other professionals in the health field work together to promote healthy living at a young age we can decrease the amount of overweight people we have not only in Minnesota but in every state.
I hope to see you vote "yes" on H.R. 812 to ensure the responsibility be put on the consumers who make food choices. We need to protect our children from the path we are headed down and by this bill being passed we can start to make change. In 2004 the health care cost of obesity in Minnesota was $1.3 million, by voting yes and focusing on the education children receive in schools we can reduce this amount as well as all the unnecessary court costs and lawyer fees. I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter and look forward to you supporting this issue.
21Green Falls Road Leaf Town, MN 71111
Source: www.health.state.mn.us/divs/hpcd/chp/obesity/pdf/obesityfactsheet2008.pdf -


  1. This is such an interesting bill! So many implications! I wonder what Klobuchar's position is on this issue.

  2. Nice post Shannon! You are right, we need to protect our children from the path we are headed down. Your issue is such a critical one, I am sure that if Senator Klobuchar had the chance to this she would vote "yes". I really like how you so detailed. Good Letter. :)

  3. Great Letter! I think that you made an amazing point in your letter by stating that children need to see adults making healthy choices and taking responsibility for their choices, whether healthy or not. I agree that the focus needs to be put on education and promotion of healthy living. I really think that you would have won her over with your closing paragraph that focused on protecting children, and included that very shocking statistic.

  4. Great letter. That's an interesting bill. You make a great point that its up to the adults to assist children in making healthy and responsible choices. It bothers me to know some people who eat McDonald's for most of their weekly meals turn around and then trying making some money by suing them for health problems. Excellent letter!
