Friday, March 13, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 7&8

Another two weeks have come and gone! These past two weeks in Environmental Health have been very interesting and informative.  During week 7 we watched a documentary called GREEN which was made by graduate student Laura Dunn.  This film was about the landfills in Louisiana. The stories that were told in this film broke my heart.  Some people lived on top of landfills that had been covered up and they were getting poisoned by the toxins coming up through the ground. This sounds like a story that we would hear happening in a different country, not in the US! 

During week 8 we watched half of another film  called Thirst and had a day of discussion which was a little out of the ordinary and cool to hear everyone's thoughts. We talked about water privatization which is when a group or someone "owns" the water in a specific section. I have never heard of this before and it doesn't sound right at all. Nobody owns the water... it's all of ours! This got me thinking, you know how when talking about the United States or whenever something really tragic happens in our country everyone always says united we stand divided we fall? Well, these films about companies owning water and seeds and filing law suites against honest hard working people trying to make a living makes me sick.  Were not united, it's everyone for themselves. Most people with money and power are just trying to make more money and get more power, they don't care about anyone or anything else. I feel like the only time people will realize that we need to take care of each other and our earth is when it's too late.  Anyway, enough venting, I learned a lot in this class over the past two weeks and I'm excited to not have school for a week! Hope you all have a fun and safe break!!


  1. I agree with you in the heartbreak that came from watching the Green documentary. Yes, it DOES seem like an issue that would happen somewhere else, not in the US. SO crazy... Great comment about how it seems that money and power are peoples main objectives, and that it may be too late when people finally get back to what life should really be about. Great post, have a wonderful break!

  2. I was very surprisde as well to find out these stories were happening around the US , since the US somehow always seems to be helping other countries in need. Which is a good thing, but sometimes they tends to forget that what is happening in this country could be worse than the countries they are trying to help. And the water privatizing issue is something i could on about as well... Weeks 7 and 8 was another eye opening about evironmental problems an.
    Nice post!

  3. I also found the documentary "Green" very upsetting. I feel so bad for these people. They had no idea that their homes were on an old landfill. This is horrible. I found week 8's discussion very interesting. I really liked that it mixed things up a bit. It is always fun to watch a documentary, but I discussion always brings up some more interesting topics. I also feel that water is not something to be owned, it is for all of us. Great job on your reflection!!

  4. It does seem like we wouldn't exactly hear the events that are happening on the baton rouge here in the US. But then again you got people that care just about money and have very little consideration for people. I don't see how CEO's of those company's pollution nearby residents and environment can feel good about themselves.
